How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs That Are Preventing You From Pursuing Your Goals and Manifesting Your Dream

Kezia Marie
5 min readFeb 18, 2021

“The only limits you have are the limits you believe.” — Wayne Dyer

The number one thing that holds most people back from pursuing and achieving their goals are limitations and limiting beliefs. A limitation is anyTHING (person, place or circumstance) that prevents you from pursuing your goals. Limiting beliefs are recurring, negative thoughts or false beliefs that prevent you from pursuing your goals.

Do you have a goal that you’ve been wanting to accomplish or dream you desire to manifest, but you haven’t quite gotten around to taking any action steps because of fear, doubt, insecurity? Or, maybe you’ve been procrastinating because you lack the necessary funding, time, education or resources needed to pursue the goal. Anything you can identify as an excuse, a reason for procrastinating, not taking a leap of faith and chasing your dream is a limitation or a limiting belief.

Moment of transparency. One of my goals for 2020 and 2021 has been to build an online audience organically. One thing that is a MUST if you want to be successful in building an online audience is consistency. So, whether it’s going live one month or once a week, you’ve gotta be consistent if you want to generate legitimate, sustainable results. Although I’ve been hanging out in these internet streets for a minute and some change now, I have not been consistent in both showing up and providing value. Sometimes I would show up consistently for a period of time, but I would post just to post without providing any real value. I can give you a list of reasons, or dare I say, excuses, as to why I was not consistent. But, I’ll just share one of them with you.

One reason I was not consistent is because I felt discouraged. I felt discouraged because I did not see overnight results. I would post and post and felt as if I was not being seen or heard. It quickly became about the number of likes and comments, rather than the overall purpose of posting empowering content. I was also trying to copy what I saw other people doing, rather than discovering my own lane and walking in that. Can you relate to this? Have you ever felt discouraged because you felt unnoticed, or as if your hard work or effort wasn’t good enough? Or, maybe that your time, effort, money or energy well spent wasn’t yielding results fast enough, if at all.. There are so many things that can cause us to shy away from taking the next step towards our goals or from ever getting started. But, here’s what I want you to know: Delayed does not mean denied. A slow start does not mean that you won’t finish. And, nothing is wrong with a small beginning. Read that again.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff. The reason you’re really here is to learn what you can do to overcome your limitations and limiting beliefs, so that you can start pursuing your goals and manifesting your dreams! Here we go..

Step 1 — Write out and visualize your goals as if you have already achieved them.

Step 2 — Identify your WHY Factor. Your Why Factor is your overall reason for pursuing the goal. Think about what will happen once you’ve achieve the goal. Think about who it will impact and how. Also, think about what happens if you never face your fear, step outside of your comfort zone and pursue the goal. As you proceed though, it’s best to focus more on your WHY and all of the amazing things that WILL come as a result of you finding the courage to pursue your goal and manifest your dream rather than what won’t happen.

If your WHY does not motivate you to pursue your goal and to keep going when things get tough, then your WHY is not significant enough.

Step 3 — For each goal, make a list of every limitation and limiting belief that you can think of.

Step 4 — For each limitation identify and write out an alternate route for reaching your goal OR of baby steps that you can take to work through that limitation.

Step 5 — For each limiting belief, come up with a positive affirmation. Whether you have one affirmation, 20 affirmations or something in-between, consider doing any of the following:

  • Get a notebook and dedicate it solely to writing out your affirmations daily. Each day as you write out your affirmations, speak them aloud with authority and conviction.
  • Print or write out your affirmations on sticky notes and post them on your bathroom mirror, front door or in a place that you frequent the most throughout your day.
  • Keep a list of your affirmations in your pocket or purse and whenever the negative thoughts/beliefs begin to bombard your mind, pull out your list and begin to read and quote your affirmations aloud if you can.
  • Memorize your positive affirmations, and recite them multiple throughout your day, daily.
  • Each morning and night, stand in front of a mirror, look yourself in the eyes and recite your positive affirmations. This is a solid way to boost your self-esteem and build your confidence. I’m speaking from experience too!

As you take these steps and incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine, remember that it is okay if you don’t FEEL or BELIEVE what you are writing and speaking right away.

The purpose of incorporating affirmations into your daily routine is because it is an effective way of transforming your mindset and therefore, getting rid of those false beliefs. What we are really doing is working to transform your overall self belief system. Because, how you perceive yourself and how you perceive your ability to achieve your goals maters. I believe in you, and I believe that you have what it takes to slay your goal. But, that doesn’t matter if YOU don’t believe in you.

Please note that the affirmation tips above are not just for limiting beliefs that are about you specifically, for example, your physical appearance or your skills. The tips can be used for recurring negative thoughts or beliefs that relate to having a poverty mindset, lack of resources, etc.

Even though I have felt discouraged about reaching one of my goals, I have not given up. I have continued to think positive, speak positive and to take action steps towards my goal. I decided to keep going AFTER I took time to rest, refocus and restart. In fact, I took to find my lane and am forging ahead on a new path, knowing that even thought it might not look like much now, someday, it will manifest into something great!

Remember: It is okay to reset, restart, and refocus as many times as you need to. You have the passion and purpose for a reason, don’t give up on it before you’ve even started. And, if you have started, keep going!



Kezia Marie

Goal Success Coach & Creator of Set Goals & Slay Coaching LLC | Empowering women to bring their dreams to life & live life operating IN their God given purpose!